Who’s Dave – of Dave’s Hash?

Another question could be – Who would want to open a 24/7 Truck Stop?
We would answer, our Dad and Grandfather. He was a friend to all. Even people he didn’t know.
Eliot Beal – Driver and Customer for many years wrote our family this note.
“David reminds me so much of my own Dad. He had a heart of gold to those who used him right. He helped me so many times over the years. I’ve been so richly blessed, having known Dave as my friend”.
Dave Dysart, was born in Bangor, Maine in 1928. His parents were Ed and Daisy Dysart. Dave got his love of trucks from his Dad who was one of the states original trucking companies. But that’s another blog. We’re talking about Dave.
Dave and the rest of his family picked an old farm in the middle of nowhere in Hermon to start Dysart’s Truck Stop. In 1967, just to see a car go by was an event! People thought he was crazy to build so far from Bangor on the Coldbrook Rd. Dave knew if he could get people to exit off Interstate 95 – the Truck Stop would be successful.

In June, 1967 the BDN interviewed Dave “We emphasize quick service for both the truck and it’s driver”. This is the working motto of the new Dysart’s Truck Stop on the Coldbrook Road in Hermon”.
Dick Berry, long time truck driver and friend of Dave’s, guesses he probably bought the third tank of gas sold at the pumps. He remember’s Dave as the kind of man we should all strive to be. “A lot of times when business is tough people cut corners. But there are a lot of people that pick the wrong corners: cheating your friends and people that help you. He was here to make money, and they done well. But he ran it right and did right by his people.”
Thank you Dad.
Dave’s Hash
4 cups cooked Maine Potatoes, peeled and cut into 1/2 inch cubes.
4 cups cooked corned beef
1 large onion, diced
2 Tablespoons salt
1 Tablespoons pepper
The secret is making sure you chop your meat and dice your potatoes into the same size pieces. In the restaurant we use a grinder with large holes.
Combine the potatoes, corned beef, onion, salt and pepper. Shape into patties of about 5 ounces.
Heat butter in a large skillet on medium heat. Place patties in the skillet and let them brown. When it is sizzling, all is good.
Press them down with the spatula. Continue to cook until it is nicely browned.
Or come into into Dysart’s Restaurant on the Coldbrook Road or Dysart’s on Broadway and let us cook for you.