The Photography at Dysart’s
Mary Hartt Photography

Thanksgiving week alway makes me think of all of the things I’m grateful for. The fact that I have always lived in Maine is a big one. . I’m a native Mainer. One of the benefits of being a photographer is meeting other photographers, “from away”. Hanging out with them and seeing their perspectives of our beautiful state gives me even more appreciation of how good we have it here.

Year’s ago I was with some “away” photographers in Acadia. In addition to seeing through their eyes the scenic and beautiful places of Acadia, I also heard their appreciation of Maine. I vividly remember one photographer stating he was either eating lobster or blueberries at every meal. Things that are in our backyard are unique to others. We Mainer’s are so lucky.

Recently, another photographer described my work. He said, “Mary is so lucky to be able to travel to unique places in the state of Maine”. I had never thought about it from that perspective. He’s correct, I am!

Much of my work is from the North Maine Woods. Few people ever see this unique place. This is where everyone waves and everyone stops if they think someone has a problem. We are so thankful for the wonderful guys who helped us change tires. Yes, tires! Thank you Ray Cooley from and Paul Berpe, from Fort Kent.

The other unique opportunity is Maine Wildlife. Many know about the Moose. Not many get to see them.

The obvious opportunities for me to do what I love, take photographs of wildlife and scenic places in Maine. Seeing Maine today, appreciating the history and the working people who made it all possible.

Happy Holidays
From our family to yours! — Mary Dysart Hartt